Monday, January 31, 2005

Personality and a tough afternoon

Kate did an awesome test on her blog, so like an awful copycat I asked her if I could do the same one. She was a doll and said yes, THANKS KATE!

Full Name: CBS
Age: 14
Birth date: October 25
Siblings: four brothers and one sister
Pets: my cats Schooner and Ketch
Nicknames: Calla
School: Home schooled

Color: HOT COLORS! such as red and hot pink and orange
Food: Ice Cream or Chicken Frontega Sandwich from Panera bread
Beverage: water, coffee
Class: Spanish and Science
Teacher: haha, easy, my mom
Number: 8,936,833...not really
Flower: no idea
Book: The Goose Girl, Enna Burning, just about all Alistair MacLeans
Movie: The Mask of Zorro
Actor/Actress: i have lots
TV show: Sue Thomas F.B.I, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Fast Food Restaurant: Dunkin Donuts
Store: T.J. Maxx, Gap, Macy's, any that has girl's clothes, pretty much
Board Game: uh, uh, Cranium? It's so loooong though
CD: Josh Groban Closer
Singer: duh, J. Groban!
Musical Instrument(s): Umm, Uillean Pipes? For looks i like pink zig-zaggy electric guitars! Cologne/Perfume: I love GapScent White, but that's kind of a no name thingy, umm, Clinique Simple, George Armani Woman,...
Computer Game: don't like that many, how about Microsoft Word!
Thing to do on the Weekend: e-mail, Internet, sleep, be with friends if poss.
Word/Phrase: Holy Cow!
Holiday: Christmas, any time to be with fam or friends

Color: dirty mustard, the kind that looks like stale pickles...right Kay?
Food: Fish Oil, if you can call that a food.
Beverage: uuh, uuh, powdered lemonade
Class: math or science, even though science is the best too!
Teacher: my mom, hands down, she's the only option
Movie: I've seen a lot of dumb ones...
Restaurant: McDonalds, but it's not bad
Word/Phrase: honeybuns
Day: Wednesday

Been In Love: I'm not telling! naw, not really. It depends on what that means...
Used Tobacco (smoke or chew): good grief, no
Drank Alcohol: nope
Smoked weed: that's so sick, no
Done Drugs: nope
Broken the Law: yeah, walked out of the store with a candybar in my pocket, but i brought it back...otherwise i would'nt have been able to sleep. Besides, i didn't mean to
Thought you were going to die: yeah, prolly. In the grips of the orthodontist was prolly the worst ever,...
Run away from home: i planned it when i was five, and then decided it would be too cold at night
Broken a bone: nope, but i came this . close once
Lied: yup, but it was a looong time ago
Skinny Dipped: nope
Had a Medical Emergency: nope

Love at first sight: yes, but it doesn't always happen
Luck: no
God: yup
Aliens: no, unless they're green with purple polka dots and hairy all over with antenna things coming out of their heads
Ghosts: no
Horoscopes: no
Heaven: yup
Hell: definitely
Yourself: always
Angels: yes, and i'm so glad they're there

Coke or Pepsi: coke
Oranges or apples: i love em both! maybe oranges...
One pillow or two: doesn't matter, i do either or one or none at all.
Pools or hot tubs: pool
Windows or AC: definitely the AC
TV or radio: tv
Paper or plastic: paper

Cried: yesterday
Went to a movie: like never
Talked on the phone: one min ago
Read a book: oh dear, umm, for reading one through, early this month
Your most prized and important possession: my pc for important, my sketchbook for prized?
Your biggest accomplishment: learning how to throw a baseball, football, snowball, etc. it comes in REAL handy
Your biggest fear: living a life of boredom without accomplishing anything for God or for good
Your greatest talent: drawing, laughing, being goofy

Abortion: wrong
Death Penalty: depends on what a person did

Makes You Laugh the Most: friends at a sleepover, or on Im (especially when I think they're someone else, long story...)
Is the Most Psychotic Person You Know: me, except for my cat...but he's not a person
Is the Nicest Person You Know: Megan, Kayla, Klara, Steph, Laura,...the list goes on
Do you go to for advice: usually go to my friends, unless it's something immediate or really important, then Bria or my parents don't
Do you hate: not allowed to say!
Knows the most about you: prolly Kay
Has it easier, guys or girls: guys
Sends you the most emails: uuh, i get tons of mail...Kayla when she's not away like she is right now, Em, D. Murray,...
Happy: being at a youth weekend, SPORTS!, being with my best friends and/or any people, playing with Alicia and Drew
Really Sad: when someone dies, Fernando Ortega music (some of it), my flute
Really Angry: crying, getting bumped of the pc

School: that's ok, i could do without it
Your friends: best thing that ever happened to me, i have the best friends one could ask for Being female: I LOVE IT! pretty things, skirts, long curly hair, so glad i'm not a guy
Life: it has its ups and downs, but when it's great I love it! I'm thankful for it...
What is something about you that nobody knows: can't tell! it's a secret...

A Rebel Or Do You Follow All The Rules: umm, both if it's possible
A Leader Or A Follower: leaderA
A Good Friend: I try to be, but I can be nasty when I want to be by myself
A Good Listener: depends on what your talking about!!! if it's math functions then i'm awful, but if it's clothes i'm all ears!
Shy Or Outgoing: outgoing

Where Do You See Yourself In Ten Years: married, if not married, prolly something dangerous, like an FBI agent, or a stunt person
Do You Like To Dream Ahead Or Go With The Flow: dream ahead, my life's already all planned out!

So there it is, hope i didn't bore you, cause i love doing those! Go ahead and copy it down to do yourself! They've gotta be something like my fav past time.

I've had an awful afternoon. Thing after thing kept happening, I got bumped off the Internet time after time, and then i went over to get a pot from the cabinet for scrambling some meat and a glass pot top fell on the ground and shattered 'EVERYWHERE! I was so mad. I had to vacuum it up, and then the phone rang and I answered it in an angry voice, and it was an awesome happy, cheery person, and i felt so bad. Oh well, now that i did the test my mind is on other things. Maybe i'm even starting to feel a little happy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ohhh that afternoon of yours sounds soooo bad! I feel so sorry for you! Waaaaahhhh. It makes me cry.
your whole test thingy is cool, but long! some of it is funny. ohhhh i hope everything is all right today for you! love you
love melody