Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I am really looking forward to Christmas! I think that the best part of Christmas is when people like the gifts you give them. It makes everyone get the warm and fuzzies. I finished my shopping yesterday, but it was so tempting to buy more for everyone. All of the nice thngs that I knew people would love would jump out at me...but I'll write more later. An older sister whose name I shall not mention wants me to call and order pizza now so she doesn't have to wait for it to be made. Must free the phone line!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

One of Many Conversations in My Busy World of Babysitting

With Christmas coming the kids I'm babysitting are getting increasingly excited and anxious about Santa's arrival. Here's what Dylan and Raina had to say about it:

Dylan: (In a very loud, melodramatic voice) Look what Santa gave me! SPIDERMAN and his motorcycle! *pauses to see my reaction and shakes with joy*

Me: Wow! I love Spiderman! When did you see Santa?

Raina: At my cousin's Christmas party. But the reindeer were scared, so they stayed on the roof and Santa came in a car.

Dylan: They weren't scared of me! (Triumphantly) And Santa gave only me a present, Raina didn't get anything!

Raina: (Heatedly and Belligerently) LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! You didn't see any reindeer, and Santa gave me a present too!

Dylan: (for the rest of the evening, mumbles) Liar liar pants on fire, liar liar liar, liar liar pants on fire...