Friday, January 21, 2005

Worst thing since brussel sprouts...

OK, so here's my prob. My brother said that I say "Holy Cow" too much. :( I love to say that! It's the best exclamation in history! But if i say it again in my blog just post a comment and remind me. :)

so i just found out yesterday that i have this thing called Candida. It's an allergy to mold and yeast, and it comes out as a rash on your skin. Well, that explains the rash covering me from head to toe. Unfortunately, cause i've had it for so long it means that it went into my blood by now, and so i have to go on this stinkin' diet for at least three weeks. Listen to this: No dairys(except for organic eggs and butter), no fruit (except for lemons limes and grapefruit...What do they think i'm gonna eat all day? Suck limes for forever?), no sugar (there goes oreo ice cream, and oranges, and cake, and chocolate, etc. *sniff*), no nuts, and the list goes on for eternity! Basically all that is "edible" right now is meat, chicken skin and fat (don't ask me why that is), brown rice, and some veggies. I feel so sad. I didn't know that food meant so much to me, until now! Well, I guess there's no chance of me getting fat at this point. (At least it's not for forever, too)

So I studied Thermodynamics today in school. I actually am loving physics! I'm so glad! I thought that this Science would be the worst thing that happened to me since brussel sprouts, but it's really not that bad! Here, let's see if i can remember the first and second laws of therm.
1. the amount of energy in a system remains unchanging (phew, remembered that one.)
2. Heat only passes in one direction, to a cooler area. (well, that wasn't as good. not the best wording, but it works.) Wow, i actually remembered something!

Tonight i'm going to Schoolhous Rock Live Jr.!!!!! It's the play that Ryan's in. There's an awesome one called Circulation (song) where they do elvis moves! I can't wait!

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