Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Feel like you've seen this picture before? Well you have! You saw it posted on Aaron's blog on my sixteenth birthday. Aaron did it because I was fifteen going on sixteen, but today I'm posting it because Rolf (aka Aaron) is seventeen going on eighteen, or rather, IS eighteen.

I guess I could write a mushy post about my awesome older brother, but I don't feel quite up to it. You all know that he's pretty boss anyway.


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Various Things To Do With Building A Vocabulary, a Word That Can Mean an Insect As Well As a Relative, and Ugly Dolls.

Did my title make you want to read my post? I could picture the link gallery in my head, and was trying to think of a title that would grab me. Part way through the thought process I got bored and just wrote out a long title. End of "The Blog Title Saga."

Soooooo, on to what I was really going to write about. My aunt from Georgia flew up yesterday. (Here's where I was thinking about how down South--at least, I THINK it's in the South--people say "ant" instead of "aunt". I think that it is pitifully incorrect and lazy to pronounce it that way. Now that I have finished my spiel...) Last night, my brother was itching to play some sort of game (surprise, surprise) whether it was a board game, card game, or word game. My AUNT and I relented and played the game of Dictionary. Okay, we didn't actually relent. Aunt Holly came up with the idea, Aaron heartily agreed, and I succumbed to the pressure and joined the (two) masses. For those of you who don't know how to play Dictionary, it's a game where you pick a word from the dictionary (once again, surprise, surprise) that nobody knows, then write out the correct definition and have the people who do not know the meaning of the word make up their own definition. THEN, the person who knows the right definition reads all the other definitions and everyone votes on what they think the right one is, etc. etc. I guess there isn't really a winner to the game, unless you keep track, which we didn't. Well, I guess that's true for all games. If you don't understand what I just explained to you, then tough. Life is hard.

Well, for playing with only three people, it was a pretty awesome time. The wrong answers were regularly guessed, meaning we were pretty good at fake definitions. After we'd finished playing, we were just making small talk, when that strange phenomenon known as Blogus Inspirationimus hit me like a lightning bolt. I reeled from the shock of it, went to bed in attempt to recover from it, but couldn't shake the condition and am currently fully enslaved to the gripping hold of the disease. This was my inspiration: I should make my blog readers try to guess the correct definitions to the words we did last night! *insert wily smile.* "Let's see how smart they are." Without further ado, here are the words: Oh wait, I do have some further ado. NO LOOKING UP THE WORDS BEFORE GUESSING THEM! And don't let your answers be spoiled by other people's answers. Also, there is no prize for the person who gets the most correct answers. I'm not one to give out twenty dollar gift certificates and such things. :) Hopefully with no further ado, I present you with the words: (Enjoy!)

Pariah¹- a person despised or rejected by society
Pariah²- an Indian soothsayer
Pariah³- an ancient tool used for sharpening knives

Boff¹-a loud hearty laugh; belly laugh
Boff²-to hit someone in a slapstick manner
Boff³- someone who has a nice car

Rowel¹- a special tool used for planting bulbs
Rowel²- an infectious disease among animals, mainly contracted by Indian elephants.
Rowel³- a small spike-covered wheel on a spur

Suzerain¹- a feudal overlord
Suzerain²-the vast dry grassland in Northern Africa
Suzerain³- C6H7; sextochloride septogen

Pannier¹- baker or gourmet chef
Pannier²- a hoop used to expand a skirt at the hips
Pannier³- the small metal clip used on yachting lines for the purpose of hoisting sails

Popple¹- to move in a tumbling, irregular manner
Popple²- to walk with a bouncy gait
Popple³- English slang: foolish talk; drivel

Peculate¹- to flex the chest
Peculate²- to wander aimlessly without purpose

Manque¹- of or pertaining to mandarin cuisine; containing sweet and sour flavor
Manque²- unsuccessful, unfulfilled
Manque³- ornate; intricate

One more thing, I purchased my Ugly Doll! After much deliberation, I decided on *drumroll*


Moxy's got a lot of "moxy". She's a real get up and go Ugly, with far more energy than her older brother OX. Moxy's favorite activity seems to be bouncing off the walls and jumping in and out of mischief. Her giant antennas are always on the look out for a good time, and she can hear a party from miles away. She could hear you coming from all the way back over there! Are you a party animal? No? Would you like to take care of one? No? Well that's ok because Moxy is here to take care of you. She can take care of pretty much any problem you may have...it's a gift of hers. For example, see how messy your room is? No problem! See? Moxy is on your side.

I need that support when my room is messy, which is like, uh, every day. She was the last one left in my store after someone bought one today, so I grabbed her while I could. Right now she is sitting on my bed with Wedgehead and Ugly Dog. They're getting to know each other.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

"Guess Who?"--A Walk Down Memory Lane

When I was pretty little, my mom would send the majority of her kids to a friend's house. Those were GOOD times. It's funny how something you loved doing years ago can stick in your head. I can smell the scent of their house (you know how every house seems to have its own smell, that's another topic for another day.) just by thinking about being there. I remember crawling in the coolest game closet in the world, singing "And the Caissons go rolling along..." at the top of our lungs, and being reprimanded for playing with the cannon. Here's the dead give-away: we loved to read Tintin when we were there, in fact, that was quite possibly the main attraction of the house at the time. Speaking of the house, we're not sure where this picture is taken, so brownie points for the people who figure it out. Actually, this is a pretty easy guessing game. So, with all this information, who are the people in the picture?

Now, guess who this is!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Superbowl Commercials

A few favorite Superbowl commercials: