Sunday, January 30, 2005

I can't think of a title

Yup, it's true. No good titles for this blog. Good old Sundays are pretty boring around here. Actually, they're far from boring but they're not interesting, if you know what i mean. (Y0u probably don't) Well, let me explain. Sunday mornings are probably my least favorite time of the week (except for my flute lesson on Wednesday) because i tend to stay up late on Saturday, whether it's practicing the flute, watching a movie, or going on the internet. Sometimes it's all three! But anyway, I have to get up around eight usually, so that I can iron my brother's clothes and get ready and primp myself. Sometimes, I sleep in, and then the rest of the day is all hustle and bustle in getting ready for church. But that's an exaggeration. Don't worry, we don't get ready for church ALL day. ANyway, i slept in today, but luck was on my side and i had hardly any work today. So, I just jumped into my new, itchy but nice sweater. (If it's possible to "jump" into your clothes.) Anyway, i love primping. I spent a while in front of the mirror, and then we were off to Sunday School which was about our Christain Worldview (we're doing a series of stuff, with a different subject each week to talk about. Like history, economics, ethics, sociology, psychology, etc.) Today it was politics, and we had to imagine that we were a bunch of peoples going to mars and we had to organize a government that owuld work best. I said that I'd do Plutocracy if i had a couple million dollars. That's be nice... BUt in the end we all agreed to a Democratic Republic. Sadly, there was no around the world ping-pong for sunday school today. Every now and then we do that, and it's so nice! But we've something even better than ping-pong coming up! (what could be better than ping-pong?) After we finish up our series of worldview, we're gonna do something fun, like going out to pizza, or bowling, or stuff like that! I'm so excited! Evan said to think about something we want to do. Any ideas, people?

I have to go and finish up the two hours of Ben-Hur that we have left. *sigh* it's so long. I can't wait for the chariot race! Did you know that a stunt guy actually died filming that? I find that really sad, cause I would love to be a movie stunt person, and I really don't want to die on set. :)

Oh yeah, have I ever mentioned all of the jobs i want to do? I've so many ideas for occupations i'm "going to do." FBI agent is a favorite one! And then I want to do graphic design, and sketch art if there's any way possible to make a living from that. Wedding boutiqe owner, photographer, paramedic, makeup person for movies, hair stylist, etc. too many to all write down. My mom says that i should be a teacher. I strongly disagree !

By the way, the chicken came out good...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah sundays are pretty boring. that chariot race sounds cool! i can't wait for the sunday school outing. i sort of want to go bowling, but i'm not very good :)
tell me about the art school that stephanie mentioned in her comment. i looove art!