Monday, January 31, 2005

Personality and a tough afternoon

Kate did an awesome test on her blog, so like an awful copycat I asked her if I could do the same one. She was a doll and said yes, THANKS KATE!

Full Name: CBS
Age: 14
Birth date: October 25
Siblings: four brothers and one sister
Pets: my cats Schooner and Ketch
Nicknames: Calla
School: Home schooled

Color: HOT COLORS! such as red and hot pink and orange
Food: Ice Cream or Chicken Frontega Sandwich from Panera bread
Beverage: water, coffee
Class: Spanish and Science
Teacher: haha, easy, my mom
Number: 8,936,833...not really
Flower: no idea
Book: The Goose Girl, Enna Burning, just about all Alistair MacLeans
Movie: The Mask of Zorro
Actor/Actress: i have lots
TV show: Sue Thomas F.B.I, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Fast Food Restaurant: Dunkin Donuts
Store: T.J. Maxx, Gap, Macy's, any that has girl's clothes, pretty much
Board Game: uh, uh, Cranium? It's so loooong though
CD: Josh Groban Closer
Singer: duh, J. Groban!
Musical Instrument(s): Umm, Uillean Pipes? For looks i like pink zig-zaggy electric guitars! Cologne/Perfume: I love GapScent White, but that's kind of a no name thingy, umm, Clinique Simple, George Armani Woman,...
Computer Game: don't like that many, how about Microsoft Word!
Thing to do on the Weekend: e-mail, Internet, sleep, be with friends if poss.
Word/Phrase: Holy Cow!
Holiday: Christmas, any time to be with fam or friends

Color: dirty mustard, the kind that looks like stale pickles...right Kay?
Food: Fish Oil, if you can call that a food.
Beverage: uuh, uuh, powdered lemonade
Class: math or science, even though science is the best too!
Teacher: my mom, hands down, she's the only option
Movie: I've seen a lot of dumb ones...
Restaurant: McDonalds, but it's not bad
Word/Phrase: honeybuns
Day: Wednesday

Been In Love: I'm not telling! naw, not really. It depends on what that means...
Used Tobacco (smoke or chew): good grief, no
Drank Alcohol: nope
Smoked weed: that's so sick, no
Done Drugs: nope
Broken the Law: yeah, walked out of the store with a candybar in my pocket, but i brought it back...otherwise i would'nt have been able to sleep. Besides, i didn't mean to
Thought you were going to die: yeah, prolly. In the grips of the orthodontist was prolly the worst ever,...
Run away from home: i planned it when i was five, and then decided it would be too cold at night
Broken a bone: nope, but i came this . close once
Lied: yup, but it was a looong time ago
Skinny Dipped: nope
Had a Medical Emergency: nope

Love at first sight: yes, but it doesn't always happen
Luck: no
God: yup
Aliens: no, unless they're green with purple polka dots and hairy all over with antenna things coming out of their heads
Ghosts: no
Horoscopes: no
Heaven: yup
Hell: definitely
Yourself: always
Angels: yes, and i'm so glad they're there

Coke or Pepsi: coke
Oranges or apples: i love em both! maybe oranges...
One pillow or two: doesn't matter, i do either or one or none at all.
Pools or hot tubs: pool
Windows or AC: definitely the AC
TV or radio: tv
Paper or plastic: paper

Cried: yesterday
Went to a movie: like never
Talked on the phone: one min ago
Read a book: oh dear, umm, for reading one through, early this month
Your most prized and important possession: my pc for important, my sketchbook for prized?
Your biggest accomplishment: learning how to throw a baseball, football, snowball, etc. it comes in REAL handy
Your biggest fear: living a life of boredom without accomplishing anything for God or for good
Your greatest talent: drawing, laughing, being goofy

Abortion: wrong
Death Penalty: depends on what a person did

Makes You Laugh the Most: friends at a sleepover, or on Im (especially when I think they're someone else, long story...)
Is the Most Psychotic Person You Know: me, except for my cat...but he's not a person
Is the Nicest Person You Know: Megan, Kayla, Klara, Steph, Laura,...the list goes on
Do you go to for advice: usually go to my friends, unless it's something immediate or really important, then Bria or my parents don't
Do you hate: not allowed to say!
Knows the most about you: prolly Kay
Has it easier, guys or girls: guys
Sends you the most emails: uuh, i get tons of mail...Kayla when she's not away like she is right now, Em, D. Murray,...
Happy: being at a youth weekend, SPORTS!, being with my best friends and/or any people, playing with Alicia and Drew
Really Sad: when someone dies, Fernando Ortega music (some of it), my flute
Really Angry: crying, getting bumped of the pc

School: that's ok, i could do without it
Your friends: best thing that ever happened to me, i have the best friends one could ask for Being female: I LOVE IT! pretty things, skirts, long curly hair, so glad i'm not a guy
Life: it has its ups and downs, but when it's great I love it! I'm thankful for it...
What is something about you that nobody knows: can't tell! it's a secret...

A Rebel Or Do You Follow All The Rules: umm, both if it's possible
A Leader Or A Follower: leaderA
A Good Friend: I try to be, but I can be nasty when I want to be by myself
A Good Listener: depends on what your talking about!!! if it's math functions then i'm awful, but if it's clothes i'm all ears!
Shy Or Outgoing: outgoing

Where Do You See Yourself In Ten Years: married, if not married, prolly something dangerous, like an FBI agent, or a stunt person
Do You Like To Dream Ahead Or Go With The Flow: dream ahead, my life's already all planned out!

So there it is, hope i didn't bore you, cause i love doing those! Go ahead and copy it down to do yourself! They've gotta be something like my fav past time.

I've had an awful afternoon. Thing after thing kept happening, I got bumped off the Internet time after time, and then i went over to get a pot from the cabinet for scrambling some meat and a glass pot top fell on the ground and shattered 'EVERYWHERE! I was so mad. I had to vacuum it up, and then the phone rang and I answered it in an angry voice, and it was an awesome happy, cheery person, and i felt so bad. Oh well, now that i did the test my mind is on other things. Maybe i'm even starting to feel a little happy!

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I can't think of a title

Yup, it's true. No good titles for this blog. Good old Sundays are pretty boring around here. Actually, they're far from boring but they're not interesting, if you know what i mean. (Y0u probably don't) Well, let me explain. Sunday mornings are probably my least favorite time of the week (except for my flute lesson on Wednesday) because i tend to stay up late on Saturday, whether it's practicing the flute, watching a movie, or going on the internet. Sometimes it's all three! But anyway, I have to get up around eight usually, so that I can iron my brother's clothes and get ready and primp myself. Sometimes, I sleep in, and then the rest of the day is all hustle and bustle in getting ready for church. But that's an exaggeration. Don't worry, we don't get ready for church ALL day. ANyway, i slept in today, but luck was on my side and i had hardly any work today. So, I just jumped into my new, itchy but nice sweater. (If it's possible to "jump" into your clothes.) Anyway, i love primping. I spent a while in front of the mirror, and then we were off to Sunday School which was about our Christain Worldview (we're doing a series of stuff, with a different subject each week to talk about. Like history, economics, ethics, sociology, psychology, etc.) Today it was politics, and we had to imagine that we were a bunch of peoples going to mars and we had to organize a government that owuld work best. I said that I'd do Plutocracy if i had a couple million dollars. That's be nice... BUt in the end we all agreed to a Democratic Republic. Sadly, there was no around the world ping-pong for sunday school today. Every now and then we do that, and it's so nice! But we've something even better than ping-pong coming up! (what could be better than ping-pong?) After we finish up our series of worldview, we're gonna do something fun, like going out to pizza, or bowling, or stuff like that! I'm so excited! Evan said to think about something we want to do. Any ideas, people?

I have to go and finish up the two hours of Ben-Hur that we have left. *sigh* it's so long. I can't wait for the chariot race! Did you know that a stunt guy actually died filming that? I find that really sad, cause I would love to be a movie stunt person, and I really don't want to die on set. :)

Oh yeah, have I ever mentioned all of the jobs i want to do? I've so many ideas for occupations i'm "going to do." FBI agent is a favorite one! And then I want to do graphic design, and sketch art if there's any way possible to make a living from that. Wedding boutiqe owner, photographer, paramedic, makeup person for movies, hair stylist, etc. too many to all write down. My mom says that i should be a teacher. I strongly disagree !

By the way, the chicken came out good...

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Chicken Eyebrows

That's gotta be the grossest title yet of any of my blog posts! There's a story behind it...

OK, so I got up this morning normally, I usually do get up in the morning, it's the normal thing for me to do...anyway. After the norm of getting ready for the day, I came downstairs to get online, and my mom had me get a little turkey pan for making a turkey. I had this funny feeling that she was going to have me dress it, because I never have done it, and she is big on us girls knowing how to do stuff. I was right. She had me dress and wash and stuff and stuff the turkey. Not the ideal job for me. Unfortunately, it happened to be our first organic turkey, and it still had the ends of some chicken feathers in it. I had to pull them out. I think I'm going to have nightmares about this for the rest of my earthly existence. One by one, sometimes two by two, i plucked out those evil looking little white feather sheaths. (is that what you call them? that's what they looked like, at least!) And then a thought dawned on me. It was just like plucking eyebrows! Only, of course, the chicken thingys were a little longer. And, they were white, which fortunately my eyebrows are not. (They were also all over the chicken.) Well, this is getting too disgusting! Maybe i'll change da subject.

My dad's in town right now. He's gone to pick up his little tractor that was just repaired. After he gets home with it he's going to try to clear off the pond with it and the plow instead of the snowblower. The last few years when he's done that something bad happened. Haha, it makes me lauhg. A couple years ago he went THROUGH the ice two times! It was like this, i looked out the window, and I must have exclaimed something, and soon everyone was gathered at the windows and door. We were all gaping with open mouths, and then we called my uncle who has a tractor, and some neighbors, etc. The tractor was slowly going down. Glug glug glug. It sounded like that. The ice was broken in huge jagged pieces, and it had brought up tons of poor little pollywogs with it. Bill was trying to get us to eat them. He said that they tasted like pickles. Only, maybe they were a little mushier. Oh, right. I didn't eat any. Too much for my stomach.

I'm so happy, oh so happy!

Big change from this afternoon! I'm all happy and my cheery self. Here's how i remedied my bad mood: 1. I played freecell on the computer for a while. 2. I changed my nice long skirt for a short, flippy, fun jean one. 3. I made my hair its curly self (i've been wearing it stick straight, not the way it likes to be. Once i had put water on it it poofed out and was nice and kinky and curly.) I pinned it up to the back of my head (not the front) with tons of clips and, voila, I felt like i was ready to go to prom! Of course i don't really wanna go to prom, but that's beside my point. 4. I did a nice simple make up job on myself. I hadn't put any on for a long time, cause it irritated my face too much. Just a few simple things made me feel so much for alive and awake! 5. I went and babysat some of the funnest and best kids in the world and earned a hulking twenty bucks. :D One of the little boys i was watching entertained me all evening by dressing up in my pink and orange gloves and scarf, black jacket, three inch heeled clogs, and purse, and paraded around the house talking in an English accent proclaiming to his two other siblings (as well as me) that he was Mrs. Joe Jones tonight!! And then he kept asking me delightful questions such as, what is the name of your husband, how is this night going for you, what did you and your children do today, what is your name, etc. It was so much fun. It was quite sad when i had to put them to bed. Well, there's my nice happy story, everyone! All's well that ends well! Have an awesome Sabbath and weekend! I love you all...

Friday, January 28, 2005

Groan, Grumble, Mutter

If you couldn't tell by the title, I'm in a bad mood. It's been a tough day so far. My life is totally out of whack and stuff with the dudes doing the floor. We can't go into ourliving room, laundry room, or hallway until four o'clock this afternoon. So far, we've managed to live in the addition and basement, but it's starting to get irritating. Fortunately, an hour or so ago we pulled stuff off our pull down ladder whatever-you-call-it, and now i actually have access to my room! how nice. I've only done math so far, and i hate math. So what else is new? I strongly dislike domains and value and whatever.

I'm also in a bad mood because i found out something that's really awesome for some other people, and though it isn't something bad kind of sad for me. Now, unfortunately i can't tell you what it is. So you'll be kept guessing until I can tell you. Here's a hint: it has happened to me before, almost exactly a year ago. It really ain't that dreadful, but, well, it's just kind of sad to have it happen all over again to me. OK, I'm going on way to long with this.

Ad now I have people mad at me cause I'm taking up the phone line, so, *sniff* *sniff* I have to go. Leave me a nice encouraging post and I'll be eternally grateful.

I'm a Loony Too!

Okay, so you're wondering why i titled my post that. Well, it's because i just watched Arsenic and Old Lace for the first time. I decided that i'm loony too. Not really, actually. I just felt like saying i am, cause i love the word loony. Try saying it yourself sometime. Did you do it? Isn't it fun! (Now i AM sounding like a loony person.) Anyway, good old Cary Grant was great. I love that guy. I find it rather creepy that those old ladies found it a charity to kill people! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT ANY CHARITY!!!!!

So, today i had my last braces appointment before i get the good old metal out of my mouth for forever!!! THey actually didn't even need me to come in, but they wanted me there anyway so that they could just double check and make sure that i was ready to dump 'em. And I am! I was in the weird little chair that goes up and down whatever you call it thing, and i was praying like crazy that everything would be good and that i could actually get them off next month! It's just too good to be true.

After the appointment, Bria and I went SHOPPING! By the way, that's one of the sweetest words in the English language. We went to Zyla'a (NOT so cool.) but there wasn't any graphing papaer so we left right away. Then we went to Blockbuster and returned two movies to get out Ben Hur and Arsenic and Old Lace. (Some awesome family fun movies to watch together! Only if you're scared of leprosy don't watch Ben Hur.) And then we went to good old Marshalls. There were the usuall boring clothes that i've seen a million times cause i've been there so many times, plus a few extras. I was all sad cause i didn't think any of the four clothes i was going to try on would work (which they didn't) when in the dressing rooms hallway i saw an awesome green sweater hung up! . I fell in love with it and tried it on and it fit so i bought it! End of story. (And then Bria and i spent forever arguing over whether we should buy a cute little pink plaid skirt for our little cousin and if it would fit her or not) We raced to a second hand store, nothing there for us, and then Bria went to Panera to get something to eat. Of course, there's nothing "edible" in there for me, so I just went into Fashion Bug, a neighboring store. No clothes there that i liked either, but that was fine cause i have my sweater! Real end of story.

Well, the bozos (sp?) who are doing our wood floors are coming back again tomorrow. (poochy lip there) They're going to buff up our living room floors this time, and we won't be able to go through our house at all. Bummer. I'll have to do school in the basement with everyone else in my family. Not too sad, but a little say the least. BUt maybe we'll watch Ben Hur while we're at it! So i guess i'm OK with that...

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Slippy, Slidy, Greasy Snow

It's pouring snow outside. WE've gotten another four or five+ inches today. It's all dry and soft and smooth, but it's enough to mess up the roads. Someone described them as "greasy" and that's just the perfect word. Ryan, my mom, and I left for MCMS (Manchester Community Music School) for Ryan's cello lesson and my flute lesson. We only got around two miles down the road when the all-wheel drive GMC Safari spun out of control. We went slipping and sliding along for over fifty feet, back and forth across both sides of the road. It wasn't that scary, but it was enough to put a cold feeling in my stomach. Mama decided to turn around and go home cause it was too dangerous to continue. We passed another all wheel drive vehicle that had gone off the road way into the snow just around the curve where we'd been sliding around. Good thing we'd gotten control and aren't stuck in a snowdrift right now!

Aaron's teeth are doing great. I can't wait until i get my wisdom teeth out! (NOT REALLY!) He's living on smoothies, shakes, gatorade, and ice cream at the moment. What a lucky dude. And absolutely no school for a week. Doctor's orders. How wonderful that sounds...

There are a couple of guys at my house today who are sanding and refinishing the wood floors in my house. It's all very noisy, with slightly dusty air, and an awful smell from the finish. I'm glad that it's not my job to do!

Cinderelle is coming along great! Em called yesterday and we talked about it for a long time. We came up with some awesome ideas for the prince and the fairy godmother etc. There's also gonna be a wicked cool twist that we're still working out. Don't be surprised if Cinderelle is in your library within a year! (Actually, do be.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

It could be fatal

My family is having what we call a delayed opening in our school today. Aaron and Mom had to leave around nine to go to some teeth surgeon who's going to extract Aaron's wisdom teeth. Aaron decided to go all the way under, and that made me think about having surgery. If i was having something like knee surgery i would want to be awake, but i think that if i had my wisdom teeth taken out i'd definitely want to be asleep. I do not love it when people have fingers in my mouth. I'm always tempted to bite the orthodontist (he insists that it's because we're both scorpios) Anyway, there are certain risks with aaron's operation. It could be fatal...

Last night i went shopping at Target with my mom. Whenever i go there it seems to be at night and we stay in there until all of the doors are locked, and we just barely squeak out the door before all of the employees leave. One time i was tempted to hide in a clothes rack and wait until an employee came to put stuff on the rack and then to jump out and yell BOO BOO BOO! But when I told someone that idea they said that i probably shouldn't do that unless i want to go to youth jail, or whatever you call it. Last night it was rather tempting... Anyway, I got some awesome shirts, and a skirt. But i have to go now! I'll post some more lata!

Monday, January 24, 2005


I have to go out this afternoon and play my piano at the music school with a piano. I'm not looking forward to it. You have two options when you play a piece. You can either play with the piano or do a recital with thte piano (or both actually) I much prefer to do the playing with the piano thing. Recitals freak me out. I have this wicked hard piece by Ibert, and almost half of the piece is sixteenth notes with ten accidentals per measure. *gulp* it took me forever to get it down, and i still have issues with it.

I'm just rejoicing about the PATS! I'm sooo happy! Last night was the best game EVER! Eugene whatever-his-name-is made an AWESOME interception/catch. (i can't remember which it was.) I enjoyed it. I love Tom Brady. He's got the best attitude ever. I hate it when people are un-sportsmanlike. It's just so wrong to be a bad sport. I can't wait for the superbowl.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

I'm Dreaming of a White Month After Christmas

It's definitely a winter wonderland outside here. There's over a foot of snow, fortunately it's pretty light and fluffy, so it's easy to snowblow. It snowed all night. Craig wasn't able to go home, because the roads over Temple Mountain would be too bad. My Dad had to go at last night around ten and snowblow the driveway so Craig could make it up.

I was going to write more, but i'm gonna go and watch a movie with Ryan, so maybe i'll write something later!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I just love Saturday

Aren't weekends awesome? I got to stay up nice and late last night, (going on the internet and talking my head off) and then i slept in this morning! But i don't need to tell people what to do on weekends, cause everyone already knows that.

I edited my blog! So all of you people who went on it when it was really messed up, don't worry! Aaron showed me how to go back over it and to edit and/or delete a post. Very handy thing to know. I definitely needed it. I made sure that one of the things i fixed was how i spelled hyper. Believe me, i really do know how to spell that! I have to put a link to Aaron's blog up sometime...

I'm getting my braces off soon!!!! HALLELUJAH! I'm so glad! I've wanted that to happen for a VERY long time. They get taken off February 15. No more metal mouth or brace face! (That's what the little girl i babysit called me, you know, like the girl in the TV show. She is in total awe of my braces and think that they are the most beautiful jewelry in the world. She is so excited about the day she gets some. I'll let her be happy about it while it lasts...)

I had this rawther disturbing conversation last night. Someone told me that you can adopt a village in Switzerland or some place like that! That's so weird. It only takes a couple million dollars! Yay, maybe i'll do it. Maybe it's kind of like adopting a highway or a weather station. (Yes, in Germany you can adopt a weather station. Thunderstorm Cara is on its way!) I've always wanted to adopt a highway. I'd build walls along the sides of it and paint beautiful murals on them. Everybody would want to go on "Cara's Highway." I like the sound of that, "Cara Highway..." And then I found out that Adopting A Highway means just picking up the trash along one. Phooey. That's sad.

Schoolhouse Rock

Wow, Schoolhouse Rock was awesome. My favorite is the one with the Elvis moves. It's just the best ever. So there's this song called Conjunction Junction that's, well, nevermind. You'd understand if you saw it...

Craig and Chad are over because of Ryan's play. They're so great. I've laughed so hard, they've quiet the humor sometimes. I'm rawther crazy and super hyper tonight. I keep saying the weirdest things and bria just looks at me like i'm crazy. (e.g. i can hear it now! the sound of sneakers squeaking on the gym floot! squeak squeak squeak! etc.)

so i have this typing problem. the other day i made so many mistakes! i kive ketterrs, dont popher buble, and nauk. (translation: i love letters, don't pop her bubble! and mail. )

well, too many posts already today so i'll keep this one short!

Friday, January 21, 2005

Worst thing since brussel sprouts...

OK, so here's my prob. My brother said that I say "Holy Cow" too much. :( I love to say that! It's the best exclamation in history! But if i say it again in my blog just post a comment and remind me. :)

so i just found out yesterday that i have this thing called Candida. It's an allergy to mold and yeast, and it comes out as a rash on your skin. Well, that explains the rash covering me from head to toe. Unfortunately, cause i've had it for so long it means that it went into my blood by now, and so i have to go on this stinkin' diet for at least three weeks. Listen to this: No dairys(except for organic eggs and butter), no fruit (except for lemons limes and grapefruit...What do they think i'm gonna eat all day? Suck limes for forever?), no sugar (there goes oreo ice cream, and oranges, and cake, and chocolate, etc. *sniff*), no nuts, and the list goes on for eternity! Basically all that is "edible" right now is meat, chicken skin and fat (don't ask me why that is), brown rice, and some veggies. I feel so sad. I didn't know that food meant so much to me, until now! Well, I guess there's no chance of me getting fat at this point. (At least it's not for forever, too)

So I studied Thermodynamics today in school. I actually am loving physics! I'm so glad! I thought that this Science would be the worst thing that happened to me since brussel sprouts, but it's really not that bad! Here, let's see if i can remember the first and second laws of therm.
1. the amount of energy in a system remains unchanging (phew, remembered that one.)
2. Heat only passes in one direction, to a cooler area. (well, that wasn't as good. not the best wording, but it works.) Wow, i actually remembered something!

Tonight i'm going to Schoolhous Rock Live Jr.!!!!! It's the play that Ryan's in. There's an awesome one called Circulation (song) where they do elvis moves! I can't wait!

Holy Cow! It's my first blog...

So this is my first blog. YAY! I've wanted to do one for forever. My mom finally said i could as long as I didn't make the title of it my name. So that explains the pink dragonfly thing. I love the color pink. Wouldn't it be so awesome to see a pink dragonfly? Wow, I'd die and go to heaven if that happened. I've a little bit of a problem though, is a dragonfly a boy or a girl? I have a feeling that a damselfly's the girl. Oh phew, someone just told me that there are mail and female ones of both. That takes a load of my shoulders...