Thursday, March 10, 2005

Snow Snow? Snow!

Sorry guys, I don't know what happened. I really did post under this title! Oh well...

I said that (the snow snow? snow!) because we had a grand ol' nor'easter. But that's come and gone.

Another thing I mentioned was that I had a dermatologist skin is clear and great! The doctor was ecstatic.

I also got my hair cut. Approximately six inches off. This time for real! I love it. My dad didn't like it at first, but now he insists he does.

Today my mom is out and about in Vermont. She is taking Ian and Duncan to the Doctor. Just a three monthly check with this guy. I really, strongly dislike that Doctor, though, because he's the one who misdiagnosed me with Candida. What a dumb dude.

Here are a few "cheesestick jokes." Yes, I know they're enough to double you up in agony, but at the same time, they make you feel smart because they are not that hard to figure out!

What do you get when you cross a scientist and a peacock?

How do people walk through walls?

How do you take the paint of a tall building?
With a sky scraper.

How do you call a cash register?
Ring it up!

Why do worms sleep in?
To keep away from the early birds.

When do ducks wake up?
At the quack of dawn.

Alrighty, I'll stop torturing you. Those are pretty awful, aren't they? We call them cheesestick jokes cause we got them off...CHEESE STICKS! Makes sense, I guess.

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