Wednesday, March 02, 2005


You got it. I'm bored. But i've been saying all day that i wanted to write on my blog, so here i am. :D Actually, I'm in aaron's room right now cause he's downloading stuff from the internet, and because we don't have a cool DSL I can't go on a pc anywhere else, so here i am. okay, i'm freaked out. this is really weird. all i'm looking at is the keyboard. i'm using aaron's wireless keyboard and mouse, and i'm so far away from the monitor that i can't see a thing that i'm writing. aaron's reading my stuff and telling me when i make a mistake. HI AARON! (Aaron wants me to write that he's such a cool person, but i'm not complying.)

My mom just called and needs the phone.....

Okay, it's tomorrow, or rather today. I didn't get to finishing my post last night.

Alrighty, I heard a funny story which I thought was awesome, so, here it is. My mom said that when she was living in Dover, NH with Daddy, they had some borders. One family had two kids...a boy and a baby. Well, apparently the boy was an early riser and he decided to do his mom a favor, so he grabbed a nice large bottle of orange soda. can you guess what's coming? i wasn't able to. He went into his little sisters room and washed her hair...with orange soda. Sticky, orange, etc. NOt a pleasant situation.

i'm learning about magnets in science now. it always struck me funny that science books always seem to illustrate opposite charges or just plain opposite stuff as two little things (i.e electrons and protons, in this case domains with opposite spin directions) with lovey dovey expressions staring at eachother. Today i had one of the domains, and the guy was wearing a little blue beanie. the girl had lipstick, and that was how you knew it was a girl, or femail domain, or whatever....

i cut my finger today!!! those exclamation points do not mean happiness. i was wiping hte counter and sawed it on a serated blade...long story. i now have little ridges where the serated thingys sawed away. kind of like a bagel or a slice of bread...

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