Thursday, February 10, 2005

It's Been Forever and a Year!

I haven't posted in so long! It was lovely, actually. I really enjoy writing new stuff on my blog, but i felt like i was running out of stuff to say. so i took a nice long, relaxing weekend away just to refresh my mind so that i'd have something new to write about. wait, that doesn't make sense, and i didn't take a vacation to refresh my mind anyway.

Bria and I went to Lisa's for Saturday and Sunday. It was the awesomest time ever! The Main House is big and empty and vacant since nobody's there (except lisa) and it was really cool to have a mansion like place to ourselves! We left Friday night, and stopped at Karen's swim meet first. We had the coolest time cheering her on. She was wicked fast, and did a great job. Go Sabers! On the way out of Hampshire Hills these two guys passed us, and Bria and I were both so startled to have one of them say "Hi, Bria" to us. It was like, huh? Who what where? But it turned out just to be Josh M. How cool to see someone you haven't seen in a long time in a place where you totally didn't expect him! We talked for a scant minute, and then Bria and I had to go.

So, off to Fairwood once again. We listened to some of Strong Poison by Dorothy Sayers read aloud on tape. Lord Peter Wimsey is amazing. I just love him.

We reached the Main House around eight or something and hauled our hefy bags (no, they were not trash bags) into the house. I pulled another cara, and couldn't decide what to wear, so i lugged my whole wardrobe along with me. Not to mention my cooler bag stuffed with cucumbers, avocadoes, brown rice, chicken, and other delicacies for us Candida infested people. Actually, I was a naughty girl and cheated on my diet. It was heaven. Popcorn, Focaccia, etc.

Us three girls (don't tell me, i did it wrong. is it objective or nominative case? i just learned that, but i gues si didn't really...) tramped up to the rec room with our bowls of popcorn and our mugs of hot chocolate and tea, armed with David Copperfield. Well, that's kind of a melodramatic way to put it. We decided to watch the lengthy three and a half hour movie that night. After all, it was the sabbath and we could sleep in the next day all we wanted to, who cares about staying up late? But, some villain had stolen the VCR cord, and so, us desolate females tramped back down the house with our gear (much lighter on the way back, less food on us, it was all in us) and called Diane to see if we could borrow her TV. After a wrong number and no anser we decided to call it a night. We retired to our cosy quarters and snuggled in our pajamas. We looked at a photo album of ancient pictures. It was really amazing at how different people looked then than they do now! THere was just a kind of different look about them all. Anyway, I conked out rather quickly (having taken three benadryl in case i was too be itchy from all of the starch and yeast intake) and snored my way to dreamland.

Next morning: lots of fun stuff, again! We went to the Anderson's and had awesome waffles for breakfast, then we went on a nice two mile, brisk walk to the lake, and after resisting the urge to dip in the 33 degree water we went back. We called Diane again, and this time reached her. Hurray! She had no problem with us borrowing her TV, so we made our bowls of popcorn and headed up the two or three flights of stairs to her apartment. Before the movie started, I stuck some chicken legs in the oven. The Fairwood oven has some issues, and it tends to heat up one hundred degrees below what it says it is. The legs didn't cook throughout the whole movie. I mean, they cooked, but they didn't cook fast. They were just barely done after the movie was finished, and they were quite plump and juicy! Hurrah for slowcooking...

We made fraps ( i had a grapefruit slushy in place of a frap) and then made guacamole, and nachos for diner. Yummy food was one of the best parts of the weekend!

Okay, this is taking way too long. We watched another movie that night, went to bed, woke up in the morning, got ready for church, went to church, got out of church, went to sunday school, got out of sunday school, etc. Soon, it was time to head home. So we did, and got home in time to prepare for the superbowl.

*sigh* exhiliration barely cuts it. GO PATS! that was the best game ever! yeah, it was a little scary at times, but we pulled through. Deion Branch was something else. They were all so awesome. Now it's up to the celtics.... haha. (sarcasm)

Tuesday Bria, me, and Melody went on a little shopping spree. I found a really cosy five dollar sweater, and some tanktops for summer, and a wicked cool necklace which i love.

yesterday, i had my flute lesson, and then my mom, ryan, and I drove around manchester going to various stores and running certain errands. i found this cool hat at marshall's which i'm determined to go back and buy. It's kind of like a cowboy hat, but it's pink, and has black zebra-ish stripes that sgiggle and squirm through the pattern. It goes great with my light pink t-shirt...

after marshalls i experienced my first tanning booth. it was fun! the place was really nice and clean. i just climbed into a small booth and after getting ready (such as putting my goggles on, turning on the radio, etc.) i pressed the on button and climbed in to the other half of the booth and shut the door. VROOM! the walls lit up, and the purply white light started shining. fans in the top, bottom, and door of the booth blew cool air on me, so that i wouldn't get too hot. after the lights turned off, my tanning session was done, and i sadly climbed out of the booth. i think it helped my skin, i wasn't in there long enough to tan, but i'm hoping that there will be an improvement.

well, that's the scoop! Lisa and Katie come over this afternoon to spend the night, and then we're driving them to the airport tomorrow. So, life goes on, busy as ever!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My mum said, wow, you must be out of breath! that hat you mentioned sounds cool! I should find a hat for this summer...not copying!
well you finally blogged again! that's great!
love melody