Friday, May 27, 2005

Cape Cod or Bust!

Tomorrow we head out to the cape for our annual two week vacation. I remember when the sibs and I were all younger, and one of the highlights of the trip to Cape Cod was making numerous colorful "Cape Cod Or Bust!" signs. Maybe I'll recreat the past and do it again tomorrow!

Last night I woke up around sometime in the middle of the night in a rather confused daze. As I was trying to get to sleep I heard the hinges of our front door groan. Oh no! I thought! It's a robber in the night! What should I do? I didn't panic. I just got up and shut my door and went back to bed. Ha. What a brave person I am!

That made me think of how at the last Youth Weekend Justin Lera was telling a bunch of people how one night in the men's dorm some guy started screaming in his sleep. It creeped Justin out and he said that he got up and locked his door. Then, later in the night, when he had to make a trip down the hall to the bathroom, he grabbed tha lacrosse stick as protection. Apparently, Wesley was wondering what he was doing...

Speaking of Wesley, the other day, Aaron, Ryan, and I were driving down the highway when I saw this tan car which looked like Wesley's. I pointed it out to the others, and we all thought that it would be interesting if it turned out to be Wesley. After a few minutes, we had managed to pass cars and be directly behind the tan-car-that-was-maybe-wesley's. then we zoomed past him (probably at a speed of 120), because our curiosity had overcome us and we were dying to know who it was! It was Wesley. He didn't notice us at first, so I peered out the window and waved my hands and head and grinned like a maniac to get his attention. It did, and our mission was accomplished.


TripleNine said...

Good job at getting my attention too! I rarely use my side mirrors unless I'm changing lanes which is why I didn't see you. It was probably just as much fun to see you pass me as it was for you. We'll have to do it again some time :)

KW said...


I love the Edna addition or "Eh-na" as Lexie
would say. You 2 have GOT to get together:)
Have fun at Cape Cod, although I guess you've already gone, and who knows when you'll see a computer
next, so we'll just have to wait for your next blog


Cara said...

i still have computer access; sadly, because i was hoping for a break from the pc, bt i just don't have enough self control to stay away!!! and yes, lexie and i need to get together and chill and talk about the incredibles sometime!

Booker said...

Hahahaha, I know who did the screaming! And I"m not telling, lalalalalalaalaaa....

Anonymous said...

meanie head derrick.

Booker said...

Cara, you know how I feel about those anonymous types, so please ignore the rest of this, it might not be pretty.

First off, Anny, if you are going to insult me, do it correctly. Calling me a meanie head really isn't that bad. And if you had to be so generic, at least sign your name so I can thunder down wrath appropriately on your blog, instead of wasting space here.

Second. You insulted me, and then hid. You are not a man! Actually, I am guessing that anyway, but still, the principle stands. Guerilla[major spelling] tactics are for warfare, not blogging. But as you can see, I am replying with military tactics myself. If you can't see the enemy or properly identify them, wipe out the whole area, in other words, CARPET BOMBING!!!!

HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I love this. Whoever did that anny comment, thanks. Cause this was fun to write and I hope others enjoy reading it.


Hope life has settled down since the trip. Aaron's account was something else...