Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I've wanted to liven up our basement bathroom with a coat of paint for what seems like ages now. Finally, I picked out this nice asparagus green which my fam liked, and Aaron and I headed out to Home Depot to pick it up. It's the coolest color around. Unfortunately, it's a lot lighter on the walls then in the can. It turned out to be a lime/bright green. Very spiffy. It did happen to be slightly limier than I wanted, but it was fine. I found out that I am a very messy painter. Right now I look like the green monster...only slightly less hairy than the Fenway one. I cleaned off my roller cover by squeezing all of the excess paint into the can, and my whole hand was green! no bit of normal/tan/peacy skin in sight. But it washed off...

The youth weekend was totally awesome. Some of you, or most of you have probably heard reports on it. I'll keep mine short. Sports were cool; they always are! The best activity was the road scavenger hunt. I had the best team...even though we came in third. :D Craig was the leader, and the rest of us were Tim (TJ), Melody, me, and Caitlyn. One of the things that I did was ask a store clerk to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Easier said than done. Craig and I figured that toy store ought to have a nice, cheery, cute little lady running it; One who would be overjoyed to sing a children's song to such nice, happy people like us. WRONG! The first clerk I saw was a man, a busy one too. I walked around the store and asked the other guy who worked there to sing the stupid little song. He told me that "Rob" at the front desk had a very nice voice. By the time I'd gone through the line to hear Rob's voice, I was getting impatient to hear the song and then get back ont the road. I asked "Rob" politely to sing the song for me, and he answered with an arrogant ring to his already grumpy attitude. "I'm not UP to that today." Okay ....on to the fish store. Finally, Chris was very nice and jolly and sang the song for us. Mission accomplished.

Among the few things I did and learned on the scavenger hunt, i learned how to pronounce Kawasaki. I was corrected after pronouncing it wrong and being laughed at. Oh well, you live and learn!


Anonymous said...


I can just picture you getting
green paint all over you:)
Have fun!

Anonymous said...

yes indeed. i was smothered with the stuff.

Booker said...

yes, those japanese names can really throw you for a loop. Glad you got kawasaki straightened out tho :)

Cara said...

ha! guess what I found out! i pronounced it RIGHT! they said it wrong...according to my dad and uncle tad's vast motorcycle knowledge.