Friday, April 06, 2007

A Few British Quotes and INSECT INFESTATION

Here's a couple quotes from one of my favorite actors. I like it when famous people sound normal and like everyday people. And for the record, I didn't go hunting for these quotes, I found them all at one of my favorite sites, IMDB. Enjoy.

Discussing his working out to get in shape for a certain role: "The character is so vain and obsessed with his looks. While the psychology of the character was something that I could perform, you can't fake the physicality. Being English, I tend to enjoy going down to the pub far more than going to the gym, so it was very unnatural for me. I just had to convince myself that I loved it, which was the most difficult thing about playing this part. Working out is incredibly boring. I swear its true that the bigger your muscles get, the fewer brain cells you have. I found I had to stop thinking when I was in the gym because if I thought about it, I'd realize how ridiculous it was that I was pumping iron when I could've been out having a drink and enjoying some lunch."

"The only thing that I'm obsessed with is sleeping and, actually, it is more than an obsession, it is a pleasure. I love sleeping so much that I could do it 12 hours a day if I didn't have to turn on the alarm clock...and still, sometimes..."

"I'm English. Our dentistry is not world famous. But I made sure I got moldings of my old teeth beforehand because I miss them."

"You can't help but find that violence is endlessly fascinating-and I mean true violence, not action-movie violence, just because it is used as the answer to so many problems. We're all taught as kids not to be violent, but you can't help but also see that violence is what works very often. Bullies thrive."

"At the time that Chris Nolan asked me to do it [Batman Begins] I actually couldn't do one push-up. They sent me to a trainer, who was having to hold my T-shirt at the back just to pull me up. I've come a long way from that."

P.S. or whatever you call an afternote on the blog. I have a fear of insects and spiders, and today I found a silverfish in my room (huh, I just cleaned it! Why is there this disgusting damp-lover in my dry clean room?) and then walked in to a spider. (I promptly vacuumed up the spider.) and then watched the new Charlotte's Web. Funny, but incredibly revolting with this furry faced, eight eyed, spider spinning webs. Shelob didn't bother me, but Charlotte did, even if it really was fake and Julia Roberts was her voice. All I can say is, at least they're not roaches!


Claire said...

A very entertaining post! I also enjoyed meeting your new pet: Huxley. Did you get to pick the name or did it come with a name? I fed him an apple and also employed the sprayer, but I'm not sure what good it did. He didn't seem to be drinking the water- he was just prancing around and seemed oblivious to the lil shower I was giving him.

Aaron said...

Just be glad you don't have my room; being in the attic, I get stinkbugs, wasps, and ladybugs ALL the time. :)

I can't believe that Charlotte bothered you more than Shelob.

Unknown said...

How could Charlotte bother you more than Shelob? You'll have to watch Lost in Space sometime...*shudder*

Kayla said...

hehe I loved his quote on losing brain cells, especially since it just doesn't really seem like him! I also was kind of surprised when I heard that he's English, since he was very good at picking up the New Yawk accent.("Santa Fe, aw you theah?")

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.