Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I watched "Angels in the Outfield" for the first time this evening. Although it's not on my favorite movie list, I got quite a few good laughs out of it.

It was strange to see Matthew McConaughey not being cocky!

Baseball just doesn't seem to be up Adrien Brody's alley, but he was fun to laugh at.


Unknown said...

I saw that movie recently, and since the last time I had seen it was before I saw Sahara, I was really surprised to see Matthew McConaughey in it.

Not a favorite, however.

Kayla said...

Ditto on Steph's post--it's been a LONG time since I've seen that movie. Besides the main idea of the plot, the only thing I can remember from it is: "Look! It's God's thumb nail!" :D

KJ said...

Woohoo! :) what fun... I still want to rewatch that movie