Call me locust squasher, cricket mangler, toad mauler, snake shredder...Or just Cara-who-likes-to-mow-the-lawn.
Mowing the lawn is one of my favorite summer things to do! Just don't look too closely at our lawns next time you come because even though "someone" did a beautiful job cutting them, they're starting to turn brown, copper, orange--the grass is dying. Crabgrass is starting to dominate. Anyway, enough about the grass. More about the wildlife in the grass: there were toads hopping every which way to avoid being shredded by the mower. Once I saw one fly belly up about three feet to the side of the mower. I wonder if he had been hit by the lawn mower or just jumped out of the way. Hmm. This makes me think of Katherine's Toad (or frog?) story. The one about running over it and its guts spraying everywhere. I tried to find it in her archives but I didn't. :) I also ran over a few crickets and grasshoppers, the poor creatures. I would hate to be a little jumping insect and have to get away from the mower. It would be a nightmare. Maybe I should stop mowing so I don't scare them so much. I watched the grass to the side of the mower as I pushed it, and all the grass in about a foot wide area next to the part I was mowing would move with creatures franticly hopping away from the blades of death.
Enough about mowing. Time to go do some more work.