Wednesday, December 14, 2005

One of Many Conversations in My Busy World of Babysitting

With Christmas coming the kids I'm babysitting are getting increasingly excited and anxious about Santa's arrival. Here's what Dylan and Raina had to say about it:

Dylan: (In a very loud, melodramatic voice) Look what Santa gave me! SPIDERMAN and his motorcycle! *pauses to see my reaction and shakes with joy*

Me: Wow! I love Spiderman! When did you see Santa?

Raina: At my cousin's Christmas party. But the reindeer were scared, so they stayed on the roof and Santa came in a car.

Dylan: They weren't scared of me! (Triumphantly) And Santa gave only me a present, Raina didn't get anything!

Raina: (Heatedly and Belligerently) LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE! You didn't see any reindeer, and Santa gave me a present too!

Dylan: (for the rest of the evening, mumbles) Liar liar pants on fire, liar liar liar, liar liar pants on fire...


Booker said...

Ahh, a sad illutration of the consequences of lying to young minds about Santa Clause. I dream of the day when ALL people, adults and children alike, can finally know that Santa is not real, and get on with their lives.

To that end I am starting a Foundation. I am calling it The Foundation for World Truth about the Myth of Santa Clause. Or FWTMSC for those who like acronyms. Donations are always accepted and cash is preferred...

lis said...

Funny, Cara! I can just hear those notty kids. ;O)

Claire said...

What fun to hear about those two! I can hardly believe that Dylan can talk- last time I saw him, he was a big, round blob of an infant! Next time you babysit, tell Kristin I said hi!