Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I am really looking forward to Christmas! I think that the best part of Christmas is when people like the gifts you give them. It makes everyone get the warm and fuzzies. I finished my shopping yesterday, but it was so tempting to buy more for everyone. All of the nice thngs that I knew people would love would jump out at me...but I'll write more later. An older sister whose name I shall not mention wants me to call and order pizza now so she doesn't have to wait for it to be made. Must free the phone line!


Booker said...

I'll make this easy:

a gift card to BestBuy. That way I can buy anime :)

and thanks for the great gift you're going to get me :)

Booker said...

Bah Humbug to spammers!!

But you get a:

Merry Christmas!!!! :)

wideyed said...


try these.







ps, and iconoclastic, but only because it is my 'new word', and my (at present) favorite adjective.

Booker said...

So, you gonna take Patty's place once she leaves? :)

Cara said...

yeah, we'll see about that. here's how I feel about a desk job: *gag, gulp, choke, splutter, cough,* well, that was more the first day. Now that it's quiet and I know how to do faxes and copies and other stuff it's better. I had a basic understanding for the stuff, but hasd to learn how to use the machines. So the answer to the question is, um, i don't know.

Booker said...

Nothing like Trials by Fire!
