Saturday, June 18, 2005

Recycled Posts?

Whenever I have difficulty with coming up with a blog entry topic I decide that I'm going to recycle old posts. But I never can get myself to. It'd just be so easy! Take old ones and put them in half a year later, and maybe no one would remember it!

Anyway, I was thinking recently about people sneezing in (usually older) movies and how they stop the sneeze by putting their finger to their nose. I've never had the sense of mind to try it. But, I've always wondered if it works. I can only think of one movie with real people that someone did it, but I could tell you numerous Walt Disney cartoons where Goofy or someone stops a sneeze.


Booker said...

You should do an experiment and test it out. Then let us know the results. You could have a brand new post, without all that new age'y' recycling mumbo jumbo.

Recycling is bad! Means our resources will last longer, so Jesus won't come back as fast! hahahahahahaaa.

Ben H said...

I read somewhere that if you hold a sneeze the resulting pressure can damage your ear drum. I would like to know if this is true. please experiment.

Booker said...

Yo Ben, how bout a new post of your own?

Shay Dawg said...

Don't do it! Your head will explode!!!!!

Cara said...

Ben! THat made me think of how when I was little you told me that if you held your breath too long you'd pop brain cells. I was so afraid I'd damaged my brain.

TripleNine said...

Actually I'm pretty sure that it works. It only delays it though, take your finger away and Wachoo.. out it comes. Holding it in only bugs out your eyes, ben, doesn't do anything to your ears. Don't ask how I know.

Booker said...

it works. kind of. if you feel a sneeze coming on, pinch the bridge of your nose. How do I know this? I tried it today, during prayermeeting, cause who wants to let out a loud sneeze in the middle of prayermeeting...

Booker said...

I also heard that if you eat nothing but PorkChops[FOREVER!!!!], then you will never sneeze, period...

drewey fern said...

I believe it was Roger W. who told Rosie who told me that if you sneeze with your eyes open, your eyes will pop out! And as for brain cells dying without oxygen, I think that might be true. But maybe I'm just a captive of old wives tales. I've got to add exploding heads to the mix... :)

drewey fern said...

Oh ya, and Matt S. keeps insisting that holding in a sneeze kills brain cells, too (or something like that). He always encouraged me to "just let it out" - but sometimes I am an inhibited sneezer, what can I say?

Cara said...

Listen to good ol' matt. Wouldn't want you to damage the little gray cells now, would we? ;)

Cara said...

Oh, and Lisa, I'll take your advise and not blow my brain out. As for the eyes popping out, i believe it. I always wondered why we close our eyes when we sneeze.

Laughter said...

I agree with Wesely, it does work... until you take your finger away.

Laughter said...

'scuse me. *Wesley

Laughter said...

I discovered what works! DO press your finger under your nose... but here's the trick, you have to leave it there until the feeling of the need to sneeze goes totally away. I did it today... took about 15 seconds or so.

Booker said...

HEY, HOW ABOUT A NEW POST? AARON HAS ALREADY DONE 2!!![just to promote sibling love and general letsallgettogetherandfeelgood'ness]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

pardon me, that was a very polite comment.

Booker said...

touched a sore spot did I? hehehehe...

Booker said...

I saw the wink at the last moment, or I would have taken you seriously and had my feelings very hurt :( sniff, sniff...

wideyed said...

Don't you realise that she may be suffering from a serious disease that prevents her from posting??? It could be dangerous. Watch out, you might get it too. In other words,


or just leave my friend alone. She did nothing to deserve this pressure from you.

Booker said...

Well Cara, you got urself a protective friend there. So, without further ado, as you wish...

Cara said...

hey! didn't you get the ;)? my blog's public property (sorta) and it's free to your comments, whether they're derogatory or flattering! so be my guest, comment away! (thanks though, meredith!)

Booker said...

Hahahaha, you think a little comment like hers is gonna deter me? I was just being dramatic :)

Seriously tho, I couldn't read a blog without commenting at some time, so have no fear, I shall be as sarcastic as ever :)

Cara said...

phew! i was scared for a moment.